Adjectives Vocabulary

Top 500 Words


The following is a list of very basic vocabulary words in the English language. Each page contains about 21 words along with exercises. The activity consist of statements and questions which the student needs to answer or respond to.

  1. Big small good bad new old hot cold
  2. Rich, poor, male, female, right, left
  3. Easy hard smart same soft different
  4. Soft different far heavey
  5. Go win have eat sing
  6. Fly buy read say
  7. Hungry full blue free cheap fast slow
  8. Tall short fun sweet funny delicious
  9. Swim drink become sleep wear grow
  10. Strong weak dry light wet happy sad
  11. Score smile exercise listen change lie
  12. Safe quiet high low sunny snowy tidy
  13. Recharge party save hire travel enjoy
  14. Move pour shave retire copy cry live
  15. Rain believe skilled shout rent deliver
  16. Collect succeed want harvest harvest
  17. Fix divorce clap shop walk bake knock
  18. Drop crack practice escape help stop
  19. Kick wash work like laugh type finish


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