count nouns singular

Countable Nouns, Singular

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Nouns can be divided into countable (count) nouns and uncountable (uncount) nouns.

Countable nouns can take the plural form and follow a cardinal number. You can count countable nouns: rabbit is a countable noun (a rabbit, one rabbit, two rabbits, three rabbits).

Lemonade and vanilla cannot not take plural forms and follow cardinal numbers. They are not countable, per se. See COUNT and UNCOUNT NOUNS.

Singular Count Nouns in Positive, Simple Present, Sentences

There is refers to singular, count nouns (SCN) and uncount nouns (UCN) that exist or are present.

There is + a/an/one + SCN.
Subject + am/is/are/verb-1(s) + a/an/one + SCN.

• Ay Moy drinks a cup of tea every morning.
• There’s a luxury vehicle parked in front of that fire hydrant.
• I see a fork in the trail.
• We have only one attendee so far.
• They are a couple (nation, group, team, other collective nouns).

Negative, Present Simple Forms with Singular, Count Nouns

There isn’t
Subject + am/is/are + not + a/an/one + SCN.
Subject + do/does not + verb-1

• We don’t have an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) in this village. You’ll have to drive to the next one.
• Ms. Copperfield doesn’t use a computer at work.
• There isn’t a single car in sight on this road…I hope we don’t have a flat tire.


Yes-No Questions with Singular, Count Nouns

Is there
Am/Is/Are + subject + a/an/one + SCN?
Do/Does + subject + verb-1

• Is there a doctor in the house? —> I’ll call one right away!
• Are you a comedian?
• Does this town have a jewellery store? —> Yes, there’s one three blocks from here.
• Do you have one child? —> No, I have three children.

What Would You Say?

1. Casper orders a bowl of soup in a restaurant, but when it arrives he doesn’t eat it. What does he say to the waiter?
2. Some burglars want to break into a mansion. At the last minute however, they run off. Why?
3. Robinson has a bad habit. What does he ask a stranger on the street?




Answer the Following Questions. Give examples and say why.

Or respond to the following statements with that’s true, that’s false/not true, I agree, I disagree, yes, no, yes and no, in the middle, some, most, most of the time, maybe, usually, sometimes, in a way, or it depends.

Say why and give examples. Make corrections or changes if necessary.

1. Our capital city has a Uruguayan embassy. There is also an Estonian embassy and Kyrgyz embassy. True or false?

2. There’s a Chinatown, Little India, Little Odessa, Little Italy in our city or country. If yes, what are its or their features? Are they tourist attractions?

3. Is there an open market, marketplace or bazaar where you live? What can you find there?

4. There is a upper-class or rich neighborhood or district in my city. Is this right or wrong? Who lives there? What is its history?

5. Is there a research center for mysteries, such as UFOs, Bigfoot, prehistoric creatures, ghosts, parapsychology?

6. There is an ethnographic or folk village in my country. What can visitors see there?


7. I have visited a city with a prominent statue in the main plaza. If yes, who is this person? What is its story?

8. There is a walled city, or an ancient, medieval or old part of my city.

9. Do cities have a dangerous section or a place people should avoid (especially at night)?

10. Where is there a prohibited, no trespassing or off-limits areas?

11. Does your city or country have a huge, underground shelter? Is it open to the public?

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