university 2

University, part 2


However, these other titles can be confusing, since they have other meanings in some countries. For example, in most countries the word “college” means a higher learning institution. In nations with a British or Spanish tradition, college (colegio in Spanish) may also mean a private secondary school.


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 University Studies

12. Do students live at home, in dormitories, rent apartments, or all the above?

13. Are there foreign students studying in your country’s universities? Where do they come from?

14. What do they typically study? What happens after they graduate?

15. How can universities be improved?

16. Are there any educational methods, techniques or styles that classes should have? What are they?

17. Should be (more) clubs and extracurricular activities: art, dance, sport, choir, band, drama, music courses?

18. Internships should form an integral part of university programs. Do you agree?

19. Which is “better” the US or European university system? In the US, students spend the first two years studying general subjects; in the last two they concentrate on their major. In Europe, students only study their majors for three years.

Government and Educational Policies

20. Who should pay for a student’s university education?

21. Should the government invest more in universities?

22. Which is “better”, the US system where school students study general academic courses until they graduate at 18. Then they either go to university, vocational school, technical college, apprenticeship, work, or the military.

23. Or the German system. After primary school — at the age of 10 or 12 — students must choose one of three secondary school tracks: (1) a four-year program to prepare for a trade; (2) a four-year program leading to a job in engineering or other technical fields; and (3) a seven-year program to prepare for a university.


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