the rain

The Rain



wish verbalize good Samaritan
dude blast (2) you made my day
reason absolutely God bless you


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An associate professor of psychology decided to conduct a experiment. He went to the fourth floor of a building in a plaza along Wall Street in New York City, and stood on a balcony.

It was about 10:30. He could see men and women in business attire walking briskly. Some were talking to each other as they passed through.

The professor then reached into a briefcase he was carrying, and began throwing one-dollar bills into the air.

Within several seconds, people stopped walking, and began grabbing the bills. Soon, they were jumping at the bills in the air. More people from all directions came running to the sport. They were screaming…pushing…punching and kicking each other as they tried to grasp at the fluttering one-dollar bills.

“The plaza turned into a madhouse. Men and women in suits were like piranhas descending on a bleeding animal in the Amazon River,” recalled the professor.

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A. I am surprised by how the people reacted. Yes or no? What does this say about human nature?

B. Have you experienced or seen something like this before?

C. Would you like to catch or pick up money? Would you like to throw money to a crowd?

D. What was the purpose of throwing money? Where might the money have come from?

E. A person who gave money to people in a shopping mall by throwing it from the top level was arrested by the police. Why?



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