The History of Origami




fold possible channel (2)
rich (2) century date back to
offer offering early/earlier/earliest
dive (2) sculpture know/knew/known
multiple mulberry handmade
evolve period (3) popularity
form crane (2) begin/began/begun
fold ceremony know/knew/known
spread trade (2) around (3)
shape notation exchange (3)
involve modular resurgence
piece bark (2) decoration
peace feature (2) particularly
take on technique grow/grew/grown (2)
develop over time see/saw/seen
push create (2) practitioner
boundary instruction






Hello and welcome to Origamite channel. Today, we’re going to be diving into the history of origami, the ancient art of paper folding. Origami has a rich history dating back to the 17th century in Japan.

The earliest known examples of origami were religious offerings and ceremonial decorations made from paper. These early forms of origami were often made from handmade paper called washi, which was made from the inner bark of the mulberry tree.

During the Edo period (1603-1867), origami began to evolve into an art form. It was during this time that the first known book on origami was published, called “Sembazuru Orikata,” which featured instructions for creating a thousand cranes.

In the 19th century, origami began to spread to other countries through trade and cultural exchange. It was during this time that origami began to take on new forms and shapes, including the creation of the first known modular origami, which involved the use of multiple pieces of paper to create one larger sculpture.

In the 20th century, origami experienced a resurgence in popularity, particularly in Europe and North America. This was due in part to the work of origami artists such as Akira Yoshizawa, who developed new techniques and notation systems for origami.

As you can see, origami has evolved and grown over time, with practitioners around the world creating new designs and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with paper folding.

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Origami. This was an instructional video on how to paint a picture. True or false?

Sketching, Drawing. Has origami always been made as arts and crafts? Has origami always functioned purely as arts and crafts?

Painting. The original origami were made from paper made from wood processed in pulp and paper mills. Is this right or wrong?

Ceramics. Was the first book on origami published after World War Two?

Papier-Mache. Did origami start to spread outside Japan through the internet?

Wood Carving. Modular origami balls are made from a single, large sheet of paper. Is this correct or incorrect?

Marble Statue. Have origami artists and hobbyists stuck to the original, traditional patterns and techniques?
Bronze Sculpture. I have seen origami figurines. Yes or no?

Stained Glass. Have you or your friends made origami figurines or objects?

Carpets, Rugs. Could origami be a business as objects and works for sal or classes for children and hobbyists?

Quilts. What might happen in the future?

Computer Graphic Art. Could origami be a hobby or pastime for children, senior citizens and adults?

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