The Centenarians of Sardinia




youth fountain Fountain of Youth
island sibling hide/hid/hidden
scene athlete remarkable
mural common imagine (2)
depict reach (2) explanation
beach genetics know/knew/known
factor longevity draw/drew/drawn
rare out of gerontology
sauce figure (3) centenarian
clear residents phenomenon
tend fast (2) find/found/found
hire cousin demonstrate
attain celebrated traditional
times average make/made/made
active period (3) think/thought/thought (2)
diet follow (2) for instance
set up envious high/higher/highest (3)
later contribute rich/richer/richest (2)
span life span long/longer/longest
advice note (2) meet/met/met
versus lifestyle destination
imbue protein win/won/won
medal institute particularly
etc display exercise (2)
alone upstairs collaborate
join direct (2) prominently
menu wisdom moderation
pasta jealous followed by
scientific perspective






If there is a fountain of youth, it may be hidden on an island in the Mediterranean. Seth Doane goes in search of the secrets of Sardinia.

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The scene at an Italian cafe may not seem remarkable, until you know their ages: they are each one hundred. And Guido Nepodi says he’s got years to go.

Guido Nepodi, Centenarian: “One-hundred and fifty.”

Old age is common and celebrated in this town, where mural depict residents who have reached at least one hundred.

Villagrande is in Sardinia — a well-known destination for tourists who come for the culture and beaches.

But it’s also drawing scientists and gerontologists, including Johnny Pes and Walter Longo.

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Walter Longo, Longevity Institute, University of Southern California: “The whole world talks about this town. We have six centenarians out of two or three thousand people . . . extremely rare, anywhere in the world.

Walter Longo directs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, and collaborates with Pes in studying this phenomenon of so many centenarians.

Johnny Pes, Scientist: “We are trying to find an explanation, because after twenty years of hard work we still don’t have a clear explanation.

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Villagrade is a place where after sixty-three years of marriage, one can still find Gabrielle Mileru and his wife Erma Linda tending their garden.

“Are you always this active?” asked the journalist. “Always, I’ve always worked,” this now ninety-six year old told us.

So has his cousin Vitorria. At ninety-three, she’s still hired by the Orlando Hotel to demonstrate the traditional way of making this bread, bistocu.

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Walter Pes, Gerontologist: “Ten percent of people who are born in Villagrande attain the age of ninety.”
Journalist: “TEN percent?!?”
Walter Pes, Gerontologist: “In (the rest of) Italy, it’s three percent. So you can imagine it’s more than three times higher than the national average.”

Walter Longo thinks that periods of fasting, for instance during wartime, followed by a richer diet with more protein and fat in later years, may contribute to longer life spans.

But meeting with those centenarians, he noted something else: the age of siblings.

Journalist: “How much of this is genetics versus lifestyle?”
Walter Longo, Longevity Institute, USC: “If you think about an athlete that wins lots of gold medals, you probably have to have the genetics. But you have to have the training, etc, etc.

So I think that the genetics sets you up — but they are not going to get you there alone. So then the lifestyle, particularly the food is a key factor.”

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Those lifestyle factors are on display: living up in these mountains means regular exercise.

And in town, community and family is important, particularly for Marietta Moni, who lives alone at one hundred . . . we joined her lunch made by family living in the apartment upstairs.

On the menu, pasta with tomato sauce — historically, vegetables have figured prominently here.

So has red wine — imbibed in moderation.

Nearby at Julia Pizzano’s house, we asked this centenarian what she thought the secret to an long life might be.

Julia Pizzano, Centenarian: “Don’t be jealous and don’t be envious,” she answered, advice that may not be scientific, but like those celebrated on the walls here, comes from the perspective and wisdom of age.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Diet. The video began with teenagers at a disco. True or false?

Garden. Are football champions honored and admired in Villagrande, Sardinia, Italy?

Whole Foods. Sardinia’s economy relies mainly on high-tech industries. What do you think? What is Sardinia renowned for?

Fermented Vegetables. Many Sardinians live long, healthy lives because they have excellent doctors, clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. Is this right or wrong?

Olive Oil. Do the centenarians mostly watch TV all day long?

Red Wine, Tea, Coffee. Their diet consists of fast food, junk food and processed foods. Is this correct or incorrect?

Exercise, Calisthenics. Is the ethos of Sardinia owning and driving BMWs, SUVs, luxury and sports cars?
Walking, Hiking. Are there villages or places in your country where many people live long and healthy lives?

Community. I know some centenarians. Yes or no? Describe their lifestyle.

Family and Friends. My friends and I would like to live in Sardinia. Yes or no? Would you like to visit Sardinia?

Pets. What could or should people, governments and businesses do?

Hobbies, Pastimes. What might happen in the future?

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