tax punish gossip

Pierce, Tax, Replace

Experience, Gossip, Hope



pierce bounce pick
hope replace pop
place tax mash
rip produce to experience
press collapse slip
publish to match punish
develop miss gossip


Pierce, bounce, pick, hope, replace

1. My friend has pierced his or her ears, lips, eyebrows. True or false? Why do some people pierce their bodies? Does it hurt?

2. Can you bounce a basketball? “You must bounce back from failures or defeats.” What does this mean? Give examples from real life.

3. Do you or your friends pick mushrooms and berries in the forest? Is this safe?

4. I hope that…..

5. How often do you replace your smart (cell, mobile) phone and computer?

Pop, place, tax, mash, rip

6. In the birthday party game, children popped balloons. Did you do this? “The bubble economy popped.” What does this mean?

7. Do you usually place your smart phone, keys, wallet or purse in the same place? Where do you usually place your smart phones, keys, and wallet or purse?

8. The government should tax rich people less. Do you agree? Should there be a flat tax?

9. I prefer mashed potatoes (and other vegetables) to whole potatoes. True or false?

10. What do you do if you rip your clothes? If I rip my clothes,

Produce, experience, press, collapse, slip

11. What does your city or town produce? My city produces lots of……

12. What do you want to experience? Do you want to experience studying, living, or working in another country?

13. I press special buttons everyday. Yes or no? If yes, what kind of buttons?

14. Throughout history, civilizations have risen and collapsed. How or why do civilizations rise and collapse?

15. Don’t step on banana peels. Be careful walking on ice. Why? Do top performing companies slip behind?

Punish, match, publish, develop, miss, gossip

16. Should children, criminals, and law-breakers be punished? How should they be punished?

17. In some cultures parents match husbands and wives. Now the internet is the best way to match couples. Do you agree?

18. My goal is to publish a book. I will publish a book in the future. Is this correct or wrong?

19. How can economies develop?

20. I miss my family and friends. Yes or no?

21. Most people spend their free time gossiping. Most people like to gossip. What do you think?

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