Subordinate Clauses

Subordinate Clauses


Clause is a group of words with a subject and a predicate. A main, or independent, clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. For example, “We were practicing” is both a main clause and a sentence.

A subordinate, or dependent, clause cannot stand alone and functions as (1) a noun, (2) an adjective, or (3) an adverb. Each kind of subordinate clause typically begins with a particular kind of word.

Adverb clauses begin with subordinating adverbial conjunctions and act as adverbs. Frequently used subordinating adverbial conjunctions include after, when, while, where, wherever, and because. Adverbs often tell when, where, or why an action occurred.

In “While we were practicing, they listened,” the adverb clause while we were practicing performs the adverbial function of telling when they listened.


16. Although the latest computers are small, ________

17. Although________, she became a successful surgeon.

18. Mr. Resnik is selling street food now although________

19. ________ although everyone laughed at his idea in the beginning.


20. The (Greek, Roman, British) empire fell because ________

21. ________ because they gave away free samples.

22. Because Tommy didn’t listen to his mother, ________

23. Because________, everybody watched that video.

24. Why does Ron live with his parents?


25. Thalia will marry Burt if________

26. John will________ if he can’t find a job.

27. If you find a four-leafed clover,________

28. If________ you will have a good time.

29. What will happen if the government lowers taxes?


30. While I’m with my friends, we talk about________

31. While________, Wayne was thinking about the girl next door.

32. Donald was________while he was flying his airplane.

33. Tanya studied at university while________ .

34. What did Teresa do while her parents were away?


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