stanford university first day

Stanford University

First Day



campus awesome roommate
show up freshman get me started
dorm dormitory shake hand
miss (2) orientation overwhelm
scream volunteer enthusiastic
thrilled staff (2) make the most of
greet freak out registration
feel stack up frightening
initial encompass at the same time
hug palm (2) look forward






Video One



Kit Evans, Student: “Moving day is probably one of the most exciting days of the year on campus, when all of the freshmen show up and they are nervous and excited. And their parents are freaking out too.

So it’s really fun, just getting them all into their dorms and showing them what Stanford is all about.”

Amber Quinones, Student: “All the dorm staff and move-in-day volunteers as well as orientation volunteers kind of overwhelm them with the Stanford spirit.”

Emily Giglio, Student: “I think a lot of people are really surprised by their big welcome; when they walk up to their front desk — and everyone already knows their names.

I’m super excited for all the new freshmen coming in. It’s a really exciting experience, and I’m glad that they get to experience what I experienced last year.”

Amber Quinones, Student: “It’s really exciting just to see how welcomed they feel.”

Alex Richard, Freshman: “They were definitely very enthusiastic and helpful.”

Maya Krishnan, Student: “So on move-in-day, President Hennessy comes around to each dorm and shakes hands with a different freshmen. I think it’s really great that the freshmen are getting an introduction from the president of their university on their first day.”

Tyler Brooks, Student: “The parents and their students bring in a lot of luggage, sometimes they are stacked up to the height of some of these palm trees.

Barbara Page, Parent: “It’s hard not to be excited when your child goes to college, and especially a school like Stanford.

So I’m thrilled . . . a little sad, of course.”

Kathryn Richard, Parent: “We miss him — don’t get me started. I miss him already, but it’s going to be such a wonderful experience. And Stanford has been so welcoming.”

Anne Avis, Parent: “Enjoy yourself. Make the most of college. Have fun.
Freshman Son: “I can do that.”
Anne Avis: “Make some new friends. And I’m sure you will.”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *

Video Two



Student One: “Today we’re moving in all the freshmen, all around campus. All the freshmen in all the four-room dorms. All students are volunteering today. Everyone’s excited to have them. They have complications, and bike registration, and moving in and meeting all roommates and their RAs.

It’s an awesome day for everyone.”

Student Two: “It’s really important to be excited because the freshmen are coming to this brand new place, with every few friends and it’s really the first time away from home for a lot of people.

If they’re going to be away from home for a long time, that thought of seeing their parents only one or two times every three months can be really frightening for some freshmen. So we try to greet them and make it feel like their second home.

Student Three: “I am quite nervous that I am here, because it is Stanford. But I’m excited at the same time and I’m looking forward to our first lecture, getting through the first initial steps like all freshmen have to go through.”

Student One: “Seeing everyone come run up to your car, screaming, hugging you.

It is so fun.

It really encompasses how fun Stanford is, how fun it is to be here.

Mother: “It was great; they knew Tommy before he got on campus. They knew his name and they’re excited.”

Father: “He’s ready for this experience; he’s ready for the next chapter of his life. Big, big step, we’re excited…it’s going to be emotional…but it’s just a plane trip away.”

Tommy: “It was awesome; getting to meet all the new freshmen and making some new friends.”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


1. Graduation Day is the most exciting day at (Stanford) University, according to the student. Is this true or false?

2. How do the freshmen feel? Do they have mixed feelings?

3. Older students are probably required to volunteer and welcome and assist the new students. What do you think?

4. Do the welcoming students know the new students’ names? Have they memorized the students’ names?

5. On Move-in Day, the Stanford President is at his office, busy with official business. Is this correct or wrong? Why does he do this?

6. How do the freshmen feel? How do their parents feel? Do they have mixed feelings?

7. How the parents feel? Do they have mixed feelings?

8. Can students simply bring and ride their bikes on campus?

9. “It can be very frightening.” What did the older student mean?


A. Do you remember your first day at university? How did it feel?

B. Do or did students in your university live at home with their parents, rent rooms in apartments or live in dormitory, or all of the above?

C. My university years was the best, most exciting, memorable time of my life. What do you think?

D. Would you like to attend Stanford University or a university in the US or Europe? Do you wish your university was like Stanford?

E. University life is a part of growing up and all young people should attend university or a technical, vocational college. Do you agree?

F. What will happen in the future?


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