shops stores

Stores and Shops


Bazaar is a marketplace for articles of all kinds, in which traders maintain small stalls or shops. Some bazaars occupy a single, narrow street. Others spread out through a number of streets, all of which may be roofed.

The bazaar originated in early times and became a place of gossip as well as trade.

In the United States and Europe, the development of flea markets is an outgrowth of the bazaar. The word bazaar is also often used in the United States to refer to the sale of a variety of objects to raise funds for churches, hospitals, and schools.


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 Retail Outlets:

Shops, Stores, Kiosks, Newstands, Convenience Stores, Corner shops, Boutiques, Supermarkets, Department Stores, Shopping Malls, Open Markets, Bazaars

1. Name the different retail outlets or shops in your city or town. What are the different types of retail outlets or shops in your town or city?

2. What kinds of places have you shopped at?

3. What are your favourite places to shop? Why do you like shopping there? My favorite places to shop are……… What are your worst places to shop? Why?

Shopping Malls, Shopping Centers, Bazaars

4. Everyone love shopping malls and shopping centers. Shopping mall or shopping centers are the most popular places in the city. Is this correct or wrong?

5. What is the largest shopping complex in your town or city? In your country? Is it exciting there?

6. Open markets or bazaars very popular. Yes no no? Does your city have a bazaar or open market? What do they sell at open markets?

7. Do tourists visit shopping malls or bazaars?

8. Compare the prices of shopping centers, bazaars and small shops.

Small Shops, Boutiques

9. Describe the shopping district of your city center (downtown).

10. The downtown shopping area is very popular. True or false?

11. Do you prefer to shop in many small shops; or one big department store?

12. Describe the history of shopping and stores in your city.

13. How has shopping changed in the past ten, twenty, or thirty years?

14. What can you say about small shops and large supermarkets and department stores? Is there a trend?

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