School, part two


But some types of school are different from that basic description. For instance, numbers of Australian children who live on sheep stations far from any town are given daily instruction at home by means of radio or television.


Teaching and Learning

Class, Classroom. Describe the teaching and learning style, method or techniques in your school.

Desk, Table.
Do you prefer the traditional, “formal” way of teaching and learning, i.e. students sitting in neat rows and columns in class, and listening to the teacher lecture, and taking notes.

Or the “informal” approach of pupils sitting together in groups, doing group and individual projects, work and assignments. The teacher acts more as a mentor, guide, or assistant.

Schools should focus on building a solid foundation on reading, writing, math, science.

Map, Globe.
What do students need to do to succeed academically? What sort of study habits must they have to do well?


School Book, Textbook, Workbook. Should there be a “dual-system” of schooling? In the dual-system, students go to classes, and they also work and train as apprentices at a company.

Pencil, Pen, Eraser.
Have you or your friends been an exchange student in another country, living with a host family? Everyone should be an exchange student at least once. Do you agree?

Successful students always become successful in their future careers and in life; while poor performing students fail in life. True or false? Give examples.

Schoolbag, Backpack.
Is it important for students to take school excursions to historical, cultural or natural places?


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