Sardinian Society




explore caffeine begin/began/begun
cluster knock (2) approach (2)
global longevity phenomenon
due to resident depression (3)
idyllic level (3) see/saw/seen
rural butterfly background
sort of existence sing/sang/sung
still (2) ordinary Shangri-La
likely times (2) give/gave/given
reach isolated explanation
rest of convince demography
gap population know/knew/known
genetic hope so candidate (2)
add (2) adopt (2) disappointed
genes pass away broad/broader/broadest
multi- look at (2) disciplinary (2)
avoid loneliness relationship (2)
alone maintain network (2)
status efficient long/longer/longest
involve lifespan fundamental
crucial mean (3) feel/felt/felt (2)
try shot (2) resistance (2)






It’s a new day here in the hills of central Sardinia, Italy. And here it begins with a shot of caffeine. But this is no ordinary village.

Bonario Zedda, Resident: “I was born in 1918, and I’ll be 100 on May 9 this year. My uncle passed away at 113 years of age.”

Tiana is one of a cluster of villages some two hours away from the capital Caliari, where the longevity of its residents has become a global phenomenon.

Paul Hitchcott, Department of Psychology, University of Cagliari: “The low levels of depression that we see in them are not due to them living some idyllic, Shangri-La-type life up in the mountains, with lots of butterflies and birds singing.

It’s sort of the idea about sort of a rural existence, there’s something about this population their lifestyle which gives them a resistant to the normal knocks that older people have in in later life.”

Male residents here are 10 times more likely to reach the age of 100 than men in the rest of Italy.

.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

Dr. Giovanni Pes, Physician and Demographer: “Twenty years ago almost everybody were convinced that the explanation was genetic; in fact you know that the Sardinian population is well known for a gap in the genetic background from other European population.

This is because it was an isolated population. We have explored many candidate genes but I was disappointed. I learned to move to add to a broader approach, to study longevity adopting a multidisciplinary approach.”

Professor Sarah Harper, Oxford Institute of Population Aging: “So a lot of research is now looking at sort of social relationships and how social networking, avoiding loneliness for example, can help somebody live a longer life.

It isn’t just food and exercise which is important: the social world we live in is really important.”

Local Sociologist: “Human being can’t be alone: since we were born, we do have social contacts. Since we were born, we are part of a system, actively part of a system.

And maintaining the status is fundamental because if you are involved with many activities, physical or cultural activities, it means that also your mind is more efficient. This is maintained in the late lifespan. This is quite crucial.”

Tonino Todde, Resident: “I still feel young! Even if I don’t live to be 113, I’ll try and reach 100 years.

I hope so!”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Family, Relatives. In the video, do (all) the villagers have fried eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast?

Friends, Companions. Everyone on Sardinia lives to at least a hundred. All Sardinians live a long, healthy life. Is this right or wrong?

Cafe, Bar, Coffee House. People in central Sardinia feel blissful and ecstatic because of the fantastic, exotic, breathtaking landscape and scenery. Is this entirely true, mostly true, partially true, yes-and-no, in the middle, largely false or totally incorrect?

Neighborhood, Community. Does the secret of the Sardinian’s longevity boil down to their genes? Do Sardinians live long because of their genetics? Are the Sardinians a mixed population?

Festivity, Celebration, Festival. Is the secret to their long life entirely due to their pure Mediterranean diet?

Trip, Excursion, Outing. Do Sardinians live independent and individual lives? Do they tend to be introverted or extroverted? Are they a social or solitary people?

Vacation, Holiday.
Sardinians mostly watch TV, listen to music and surf the internet. Is this correct or incorrect?
Travel, Journey. I am from Sardinia. I live in Sardinia. have visited Sardinia. Yes or no? Have you met Sardinians?

Church. How would you describe people in your neighborhood, community and society? Are they similar to the Sardinians in the video?

Support Group. Are there parts of your country where people live a slower, more relaxed, casual lifestyle, with close sense of community?

Advisor, Wise Woman, Wise Man. Would you or your friends like to live in Sardinia or a village similar to the Sardinian one presented?

School Counselor. What might happen in the future?

Club, Association, Organization. What could or should people, governments and businesses do?

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