


Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Psychologists observe and record how people and other animals relate to one another and to the environment. They look for patterns that will help them understand and predict behaviour, and they use scientific methods to test their ideas.

Through such studies, psychologists have learned much that can help people fulfil their potential as human beings and increase understanding between individuals, groups, nations, and cultures.

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1. I have visited a psychiatrist. Yes or no? Have any of your friends seen a shrink? If yes, why did they visit a psychiatrist?

2. Who seeks professional help from psychiatrists? What kind of people seek help? Why do people seek psychiatric counseling?

3. Psychiatric practices are widespread in my town, city and, or country. True or false?

4. Is psychiatry a respected profession? Do they earn a lot of money? How do psychiatrists work? How do they operate?

5. Do you often see psychiatrists on TV (talk shows, news) or read about them in magazines, newspapers?


6. Who is friendlier, Violet who is very “attractive” physically; or Michelle who is physically “not so attractive”?

7. Ernest always won the regional and state championships in track and field. But in the national championship he came in third while Peter, the second best, won. Why?

8. Previously, all of Margaret’s neighbors were strangers to her. After she got a dog, they became friends (her neighbors had dogs too).

9. Most ethnic Germans living in Siberia, Romania and Kazakhstan moved to Germany in the 1990s. Of those who remained, most were elderly. One grandmother went to join her son, but after 7 months, she moved back. Why?

10. Who is the happiest during Olympics competitions, the gold, silver or bronze medalist? Who is the second happiest? Who is the third happiest?

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