The Placebo Effect



heal profound physiological
effect placebo significant
fake term (2) treatment
pill common dummy (2)
inert prescribe medication
cure treatment consist of
boost ailment ingredient
reveal refers to confidence
belief outcome administer
ingest diagnose therapeutic
sham depend conventional
potent correlate comprise
dose patient well-being
saline injection Parkinson’s disease
bowel identical short-term
irritate deception syndrome
suffer clinical mechanism
illness observe display (2)
jury influence the jury is still out



The human mind can have a profound influence on how the body heals itself.

This is most apparent with the placebo effect.

The term ‘placebo’ refers to the use of a fake or ‘dummy’ treatment for illness. A common placebo medication is a pill with no active ingredients. Instead they consist of sugar or inert substance — but made to look like real drugs.

Nevertheless placebo treatments can bring about improvements or even cure ailments. Doctors sometimes prescribe placebos as they would any drug, with a positive outcome in a significant amount of patients.

Belief and Confidence

Experts believe the effectiveness of placebos depends on the patient’s belief and confidence that the substance being ingested is actually beneficial. In many cases, this provides a psychological boost that can improve the patient’s well-being.

Besides medications, sham surgeries and therapeutic treatments can produce a placebo effect.

A number of studies have revealed that placebos can work just as well as potent drugs. Indeed, scientists have also show that many conventional treatments “work” because of the placebo effect and little else.

Cost Factors

Price generally correlates with quality. A study was conducted, comprising of a dozen patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. They were told that one drug was a conventional one costing just $100 per dose, while the other was a new medication priced at $1,500 a dose (in reality, both “drugs” were nothing more than a saline solution administered by injection).

Later patients who had received the “more expensive” drug on average displayed greater short-term improvements than those receiving the “cheaper” one.

No Deception

The placebo effect was found to produce marked effects even when no deception was involved at all.

In one trial involving those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, nearly 60 percent of the patients given a placebo pill — but who were told they actually were receiving a placebo — reported at least some relief.

Testing New Drugs

Researchers first began using placebos in clinical studies in the 1950s when they would compare the effects of a new drug with those of an identical looking, but inert pill.

Today scientists continue using placebos in testing the effectiveness of new medications. One group is given the drug, while a control group with the same illness receives a placebo. Scientists then observe any physiological changes among the patients.

The jury is still out on the exact mechanisms that make the placebo effect so effective. But one thing is for certain: simply going through the procedure of treatment is enough to cause a beneficial reaction.

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Belief. Is a placebo a drug (like aspirin or morphine), or a sugar-pill, saline liquid or treatment?

Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem.
Since placebos are fake, nothing happens to patients who take them. True or false?

Energy, Power, Force.
Do all patients experience the same results after taking a placebo or a placebo treatment? What could it depend on?

Motivation, Enthusiasm.
If a surgeon pretends to operate on someone, what could happen?

Conscious Mind; Subconscious Mind.
What would happen if some patients are told they are receiving a cheap medication, while others a more expensive one — even though they are exactly the same inert pill or injection? Why might that be?

Affirmation, Visualization.
The placebo effect only works if the patients are told the medication is real. Yes or no?

Imagine, Imagery.
Are placebos only used to help cure patients?

Success and Prosperity.
Scientists know exactly how and why placebos work. They know the exact mechanism of how placebos function. Is this right or wrong?

Hypnotherapy, Self-Hypnosis.
Have your friends taken medications?

NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming). Is it possible that most medicines are placebos or have no active ingredients?

Silva Method.
Can placebos be a double edged-sword?

Acutapping, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Can placebo effects be applied to school, work, sports or hobbies?

The Unseen Therapist, Optimal EFT.
Have your friends experienced a placebo effect?

Pranic Healing.
What will happen in the future?

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