A Tour of Madrid, one




roof pass (2) see/saw/seen
view (2) efficient sightseeing
tour majestic take/took/taken
salmon major (2) along the way
site (2) provide on display
gift focus (2) enthusiast
range provide look forward to
ancient heritage grow/grew/grown
temple boast (2) to name just a few
vast fountain landmark
array gateway know/knew/known
grand must (2) homegrown
scene heart (3) show trial
fan (2) carry out Inquisition
crab cover (2) meet/met/met
route haunt (2) square (3)
bar (2) pudding take in (2)
filet execution mayonnaise
guest palatial assortment
mix level (2) appreciate
upscale glamour regular (2)
prefer look for give/gave/given
former intimacy find/found/found
adorn course (3) character (2)
royal banquet institution (2)
local unwind take/took/taken
stroll perform world-class
hire fresh (2) take a stroll
row (3) diversity legendary
offer serve up in its own right
steak unwind tranquility
arias wind (2) atmosphere (2)
round off (2)






Seen from above, Madrid is a sea of rooftops. This however is not the usual tourist view.

An open-top sightseeing bus provides perhaps the most efficient tour. Taking in the majestic Castellana Boulevard, but also the old town, and all the major sites along the way.

The tour passes by the ancient temple of Debod from the second century BC — a gift from Egypt.

Culture enthusiasts can look forward to a range of world-class museums. Seeing everything in the Prado alone would take several days.

The Raina Sofia is Spain’s National Museum of 20th century art. The focus is very much on homegrown artists, Picasso and Miro to name just two. Guernica, probably Picasso’s most famous work, is on display here.

Madrid also boasts a vast array of fountains. The Sibelius is one of the city’s best-known landmarks, and the Puerta de Alcala is the gateway to the center of Madrid and its grand architectural heritage.

An absolute must is the Plaza Major, the heart of the old town. In centuries past, it was the scene of show trials and executions carried out by the Inquisition. Today the square is a popular meeting place.

And there are a few good sites not covered by the sightseeing bus route.

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The Jose Louise tapas bar is a traditional haunt for fans of traditional tapas.
Ricardo Sarrion, Jose Luis Tapas Bar: “There’s the famous tortilla: there’s crab meat, pork sausage and black pudding, salmon on peppers, chicken with mayonnaise filet of beef and raike.

Guests can order individually or a mixed assortment.

The bar has plenty of regulars.

Male Customer, One: “What I really appreciate is the service.”
Journalist: “How’s the food?”
Male Customer, One: “Magnifica!”

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Madrid is also known for its palatial hotels. Those looking for less glamour but the same level of luxury prefer the five-star Orfila in the upscale neighborhood of Chambery.
Gabriel Garcia, Hotel Owner: “This hotel has only 32 rooms. It’s intimacy gives it a completely different character.”

Madrid itself has plenty of places where you’ll find peace and tranquility: the Plaza de Oriente is adorned with statues of former kings and queens. The nearby Royal Palace is used for large state banquets.

The Retiro is a city’s most famous park and a weekend institution among locals. You can take a stroll, hire a rowing boat or even put your own performing talents on display. But for most people it simply provides some welcomed fresh air and a place to unwind.

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Nights in Madrid are long and offer plenty of diversity: the Cafe de la Opera is an evening out in its own right. In between courses, the staff serve up music. And the menu has an accordingly musical touch — steak Rossini is among the dishes.

Manuel Ganchegui, El Cafe de la Opera: “We also do traviat potatoes or Borhem fillets. But the most important thing is great atmosphere between our guests, the music and the singers.”

Arias from legendary operas and South Wailers a kind of Spanish operetta. It’s certainly a stylish way to round off a visit to the Spanish capital Madrid.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Plaza, City Center. The quickest and best way to tour Madrid is on foot. True or false?

Palace. Do all the buildings and monuments in Madrid date back from the Renaissance?

Castle. The video featured a natural history museum with a display of a brontosaurus skeleton. Is this right or wrong?

Does the city of Madrid use lots of water?

The Plaza Mayor has always been a very romantic place for lovers. Is this correct or incorrect?

Opera House, Opera Theater.
What are tapas?

Art Gallery.
Are all of Madrid’s hotels new and modern in style, furnishings and decor?

Is it noisy, crowded, congested and stressful everywhere in Madrid? What can visitors see and do in the plazas and parks?

Pedestrian Mall.
Does the Cafe de la Opera restaurant only serve meals to guests?
Market, Marketplace. I am from Madrid.
I live in Madrid. I have visited Madrid. Yes or no? If yes, is or was your experience similar to that in the video?

Municipal Building, Ministerial Building.
Is your city is similar to that of Madrid?

Park. There are many places for locals and guests to visit and enjoy in my city.

Is tourism, leisure and hospitality a major part of your city’s economy?

Cafe, Bar, Restaurant.
What might happen in the future?

Discos, Nightclubs.
What should locals, visitors and the government do?

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