
A Craftsman from Kisumu


John talks about his work and life.


town plant water hyacinth
lake use another
make stuff like (3)
ear ring earring
neck necklace seed
things local sell
money live go on
a lot a lot of lots of
life standard standard of living
worry keep it keeps going
up down also
gap rich poor
between wide the gap between the rich and poor
happy talent give
was given use own
other hand my own hands
beautiful favorite first
at first because time
live around (2) this time around
catch fish low/lower
because over (2) overfishing
change attitude about (2)
afford afford beans
rice friend normal/normally
visit really




1. Who is this person?

2. What is water hyacinth?

3. What is his profession? What does he do?

4. What concerns (worries) John?

5. What makes him happy?

6. Has his eating habits changed over the years?

7. He would like to visit……………..because………………

8. Name ten things and seven activities from the video.
A. Do you or your friends make arts and crafts?

B. Are you from Kenya? Do you live in Kenya? Have you ever been to Kenya?

C. Describe the climate and geography of Kenya.

D. Describe the economy of Kenya. What does it import and export?

E. Does Kenya have problems or challenges?

F. What is Kenyan food like? Describe the cuisine of Kenya.

G. What are some tourist attractions (cultural, historical, natural)?

H. What comes to mind when you think of Kenya? What do you associate with Kenya?

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


An Electronics Dealer


Alexander talks about life and globalization.


place pay/paid shillings
every every day deal
make a deal most mostly
sell market (2) to market
to me world everybody/everyone
same level life
consider considerate love
another one another each other
other nation country (2)
together come together family
mankind itself myself
enemy globe globalization
education worry because
expensive great mind
like (3) continue always
think peace piece
people happy comfortable
love visit heard
full miracles grab
try grab land
ocean world I would like to
with without bullet
gun bomb better
start different make a difference





1. Who is this person?

2. What is his profession? What does he do?

3. How does he view globalization?

4. Alexander thinks “Mankind itself is the enemy of globalization.” What does this mean? Give examples.

5. What worries him?

6. He has potential. Yes or no?

7. Selling lots of electronics makes him happy. True or false?

8. Alexander would like to visit……….because…………

9. What does he expect for the future?

10. Name ten things and seven activities from the video.
A. Where do you shop for electronics? Is there an electronics market or bazaar where you like?

B. Are you from Kenya? Do you live in Kenya? Have you ever been to Kenya?

C. Describe the climate and geography of Kenya.

D. Describe the economy of Kenya. What does it import and export?

E. Does Kenya have problems or challenges?

F. What is Kenyan food like? Describe the cuisine of Kenya.

G. What are some tourist attractions (cultural, historical, natural)?

H. What comes to mind when you think of Kenya? What do you associate with Kenya?

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