ice skating Netherlands

Ice Skating in

The Netherlands



river canal Netherlands
lake Dutch feel/felt/felt
chill all over freeze/froze/frozen
allow bridge Holland
local shorts windmill



Video: Ice-Skating in The Netherlands



The Dutch have really felt the chill over the past week. Rivers and lakes all over the Netherlands have been frozen, allowing locals to ice skate on city center canals like this one.

Outdoor ice skating is extremely popular in the Netherlands.

But the conditions are only cold enough every few years.

Some had hoped that the one-hundred (100) year old Elfstedentocht ice skating race might take place during the freeze.

But the traditional race remains off the cards this year due to Covid-19.

In the meantime, one intrepid skater has found another way to show of on the ice.

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First Question
. In February, 2021, people in the Netherlands went swimming in the ocean. True or false?

Second Q
. Did something change in the Netherlands in mid-February? was there a change in mid-February in The Netherlands?

Third Q
. People only skated in ice-skating rinks in the suburbs. Is this right or wrong?

Fourth. Did the video show trains and airplanes?

Fifth. The Dutch go ice-skating on canals every winter, every year. Is this correct or incorrect?

Sixth. What famous Dutch symbol or landmark was shown in the video?

Seventh. In 2021, did they hold the 100-year-old ice-skating race, or did they cancel it? Why wasn’t the race held? Why did they cancel the race?

Eighth. What kind of clothes were the skaters wearing? How were the skaters dressed?

A. I have ice-skates and I can skate. Yes or no? Do all your friends skate?

B. Is skating popular in your city and country?

C. Where do people skate?

D. What are some ice-skating sports? Who are some famous ice-skaters?

E. What might happen in the future?


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