house 3

Houses: Kitchen, Bathroom


5. Bathroom

shower shower curtains bathtub
toilet toilet seat toilet cover
sink tooth brush tooth paste
razor shaving cream soap
shampoo towel after shave

1. Do you shower in the morning or in the evening?
2. If you don’t have a shower curtain,
3. I normally take a bath in a bathtub. Yes or no?
4. Does someone in your home leave the toilet seat up?
5. My sink clogs occasionally. True or false? What do you do when you have clogs?

6. My toothpaste has a ………………..flavor.
7. Which is better, a soft or a still toothbrush?
8. Who uses safety razors and who uses straight-edge razors?
9. Describe the scent of your soap and shampoo.
10. Should you put on aftershave if you cut your face?
11. What color is your beach towel? Describe its pattern.

6. Kitchen and Dining Room

stove/cooker oven microwave oven
kitchen sink faucet dishwasher
sponge steel wool rubber gloves
dishwashing liquid dining room dining table
chair plates/dishes cupboard
knife spoon fork
cup glass bowl
serving spoon teapot teaspoon

1. Do you have an electric, a gas, or a wood-burning stove?
2. What do you bake in your oven?
3. What do you use your microwave oven for?
4. Does your friend wash dishes in the sink or with a wishwasher?
5. Where does sponge come from?

6. Do you know anyone who wears (rubber) gloves while working?
7. Where is your dining room? Is it between the kitchen and living room?
8. How do you set the dining table?
9. What do you put into cups, glasses, and bowls? What do you eat or drink from cups, glasses, and bowls?
10. Do you make tea in a teapot or do you used teabags?


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