



lab classified hack/hacker
nuclear research break/broke/broken
access alarmed investigate
FBI identify perpetrator
trial (2) intrusion infancy (2)
crime issue (3) associated with
scandal scene (2) differentiate
agenda motivate processor
reveal security make up your mind
greed smuggle legitimate
cyber damage steal/stole/stolen
evasion paper (3) vulnerable
exploit make off distinguish
legal clear-cut when it comes to
end up case (3) behavior (2)
expose public (2) define (2)
tax payment influential
fraud term (2) inherently
virtual divide (2) dividing line


Video: Hacking




Are they good or bad?

In 1982 in the US, a group of six teenagers calling themselves the “Four-One-Fours” broke into some of the country’s classified computer systems, including one at a nuclear weapons research lab.

The public was alarmed.

The FBI investigated, and the perpetrators were identified. Some of them went on trial for the intrusions. And the term “hacking” began to be associated with crime.

But hackers are not all inherently bad: the computer security scene differentiates between good hackers and bad ones.

“White hats” have a legitimate agenda. For instance, they look for security flaws in computer systems to reveal or correct them.

“Grey hat” hackers haven’t quite made their minds up: they search for vulnerabilities in systems, and occasionally exploit them.

The “black hats” are bad. They’re often motivated by greed to damage computer systems or steal data, like in the 2008 cyber attack on one of the world’s largest payment processors.

The hackers in that case wrote their own software, smuggled it into the payment firm’s computer system, and made off with up to a hundred-and-thirty (130) million credit card numbers.

But distinguishing the color of a hacker’s hat isn’t always easy. When it comes to hacking, what’s right and what’s legal is not always clear-cut.

Sometimes illegal behavior can end up revealing other illegal behavior. A good example of this is the Panama Papers scandal.

In it, gray hat hackers accessed millions of documents illegally. Then they used them to expose tax evasion and fraud by well-known and influential people.

Back in 1982, with the Four-One-Fours, hacking was in its infancy. Now it’s become a massive issue in our digitally networked world.

And in the virtual world, just as in the real one, the dividing line between good and bad is sometimes very hard to define.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Virus, Malware. Hackers and hacking are universally troublesome. Does the video make that assertion in the beginning?

Bug. Hacking began in the 1990s, with the proliferation of the internet. Is this right or wrong?

Trojan Horse. Where the early hackers renegade computer scientists?

Spyware, Data Theft. Was the 1982 a minor event? What happened to the culprits?

Breach. All hackers are evil, malicious criminals. Is this entirely true, mostly true, partly true, yes and no, both, in the middle, largely false, entirely false, or it depends?

Who are the white hats or “good hackers”? What do black hat hackers do?

Anti-Viral Software. Did hackers in 2008 transfer money from other company accounts to their own?

Delete File, Corrupt File. Can hacking be “good” or beneficial? What examples was given?
My computer, account or app has been hacked. Yes or no?

Is hacking a serious issue in your company, institution or organization? Have there been problems?

There are many hackers and professional anti-hackers.

Clean Files, Restore System. What might happen in the future?

Antivirus Scan
. What can or should institutions, organizations and individuals do?

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