Great Pyramid dimensions alignment position

The Dimensions of

The Great Pyramids




great pass (3) placement
align track (2) enigmatic
survive equator wonder (2)
inspire endless speculation
author purpose build/built/built
amaze ever since make/made/made
encode arguably measurement
arouse structure degree (3)
face (2) accurate true north
axis model (3) think/thought/thought
seem intention cardinal (2)
hoax circle (2) great circle
plateau through landmass
mass point (3) find/found/found
peace level (3) ascension
piece scale (3) back in time
inch dismiss match (3)
exact sequence take/took/taken
length pole (3) perimeter
chop consider translate (2)
socket mean (3) happen to be
ancient fraction correspond
located longitude coordinate
excess scale up circumference
Earth latitude hemisphere
speed diameter kilometers per second
per stuff (2) chop it up
vast coincidence






The Giza Plateau in Egypt. The Great Pyramid is arguably the most enigmatic structure on the face of the earth. It is the only surviving wonder of the ancient world and has inspired endless speculation as to how it was built and what purpose it served.

David Childress, Author, Technology of the Gods: “Ever since the first studies of the Great Pyramid and Egypt have been made, researchers have been amazed at the mathematical knowledge that is encoded into the Great Pyramid, the measurements that are used in it.

Even the placement of the Great Pyramid has aroused great interest among Egyptologists.”

The Great Pyramid is aligned to within three-sixtieth of a degree of North, a more accurate alignment than any other structure on earth.

Michael Dennin, Ph.D. Physicist, University of California, Irvine: “When you look at the Great Pyramid’s alignment, it’s aligned very, very close to True North.

Even more interesting is to think about tracking back in time, because the Earth’s axis has been shifting slowly — it’s what we call processes. And so if there’s been a shift in that alignment, it could be that it was even more accurately aligned to North in the past when they built it.”

The Great Pyramid is not only perfectly aligned to the cardinal points; its placement on the earth is seemingly intentional as well.

Scott Creighton, Author, The Great Pyramid Hoax: “If you pass a great circle from the Great Pyramid through its cardinal and is ordinal directions, what you find is that these circles will pass through more landmass of the earth than any other location on the Earth.

You find that the Great Pyramid is at a point located at the center of the world’s land mass.

David Wilcock, Author, The Ascension Mysteries: “The Great Pyramid was built the level of technological sophistication FAR in excess of anything that we have today.

They don’t use the inch as we normally have it in the English system; it’s the cubit. And what’s interesting about this cubit is that it is exactly 125 millionth of the polar diameter of the earth meaning the distance from the North Pole to the South Pole of the earth chop it up into 25 million pieces. There’s your cubit. It’s perfect.”

Freddy Silva, Author, The Divine Blueprint: “If you have to take the length of the Great Pyramid at its mean socket level which is the corners of the actual building.

It translates into 365.25 for pyramid cubits, which just happens to be the earthly year right down to 1/4 day.”

The measurements of the length and width of the perimeter of the Great Pyramid correspond to an exact fraction of both the latitude and longitude measurements at the equator.

Scaled up this means the Great Pyramid directly corresponds to the circumference of the Equator as well as the measurement from the equator to the pole making it a scale model of the northern hemisphere.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine: “If you take the location of the Great Pyramid as a coordinate, this number sequence of this coordinate matches exactly the speed of light travelling through space measured in meters per second.

This is amazing stuff!

When you consider the vast amount of information about the earth that’s encoded into the Great Pyramid you can’t just dismiss all of this as pure coincidence.”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Pyramids of Giza. Scientists and scholars know everything about the Great Pyramids of Egypt. True or false?

Pyramid of the Sun. Were the Great Pyramids built haphazardly? Were the Pyramids’ placement, dimensions and alignment randomly chosen?

Stonehenge. Are the sides of the Pyramid aligned to Greenwich, England? Did the designers and builders of the Great Pyramid make a slight mistake?

Easter Island. What do the experts say about the Earth’s landmass?

Stone Spheres of Costa Rica. The length and width of the base of the Great Pyramid is exactly the same. Is this right or wrong? Is this a ratio of something?

Tikal. What do they say about the latitude of the Great Pyramid?

Tiwanaka. The Ancient Egyptians were experts on astronomy, mathematics, physics, geometry, geography. Is this correct or incorrect?
Machu Picchu. My friends and I have visited Egypt. I have been to Egypt. Yes or no?

Saksayhuaman. Do tourists from your country visit Egypt? Do tourists in Egypt only visit the Pyramids? What else do they do there?

Nazca Lines. How might the Pyramids have been built? Why were the Pyramids built? Who might have constructed the pyramids?

Arkaim. My friends and I would like to become an Egyptologist or archaeologist. True or false?

Angkor Wat. What might happen in the future?

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