The Cabbage and Onion Farmer


graze mutter possession
neigh pasture turn around
fence hobble crutches
gallop enclose round up
plow plant (3) announce
shrug harvest disappear
tame capture impressed
climb pack (2) nonchalant
roof harness wounded
chores fracture thunderstorm
leak foothill messenger
insult cauliflower subsequent
injure rear up


The Foothills

There once was a young farmer, Ralph, who raised cabbages, onions and cauliflowers for a living. His most prized possession was a work-horse that he had had for several years.

One day, Ralph went about doing the usual daily, farm chores while his horse grazed in the pasture.

Suddenly, he heard the horse neigh.

He turned around — a bear came into view. It stood about three meters high.

The horse reared up, ran, jumped over the enclosing fence, and galloped off into the foothills of a nearby mountain.

The bear then disappeared into the forest.

My Horse Ran Away

Later when Ralph told his neighbors what had happened, they said to him, “Oh no, that’s bad luck. Now you won’t be able to plow your fields, plant and harvest your cabbages, onions and cauliflowers and sell them.”

Ralph shrugged. “Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” he replied.


Seven days later, the work-horse returned to the farm — with five wild horses.

Ralph captured all six horses and eventually tamed them.

His neighbours were impressed. “Wow, you’ve had good luck! Now you’ve got all those horses to help out on your farm!”

The young farmer remained nonchalant, “Good luck, bad luck, you never know.”



At the start of the planting season, Ralph harnessed all six onto his plow and began plowing his field.

With six horses, he could now plow twice as much land, in one-third the time, and plant and harvest four times as many cabbages, onions and cauliflowers, which he then sold in the nearby town market.

After several more harvest seasons like this, he was able to save up and buy a new farm house.


The Thunderstorm

One night, there was a heavy thunderstorm. Rain poured down; Ralph’s roof leaked.

The next day, he climbed on the roof and fixed the part that had leaked. But then, he slipped, lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He fractured some of his bones . . . his neighbors took him to the hospital.

As the neighbours transported Ralph, they said, “Ooh I’m sorry, but you’ve really had bad luck this time.”
“Uhh … Good … luck … bad … luck … who knows?” he muttered.


At the hospital, Ralph was cared for by a nurse, just out of nursing school . . .

Some time later, the villagers saw a man hobbling on crutches towards the village. Walking next to him was a young woman.

Everyone exclaimed how lucky Ralph was . . .



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Potato, Sweet Potato. This story took place in a big city. True or false? Did the main character raise wheat?

Carrot, Turnip, Parsnip, Radish. Did Ralph’s horse only eat grass in a pasture? What happened one day?

Onion, Garlic, Leek, Chives. Ralph was sad and cried. Is this right or wrong? What did his neighbors say? Did he completely agree with them?

Cabbage, Bok Choy, Brussels Sprouts. Did the horse remain in the mountains permanently? What happened a week later? Did Ralph rejoice and celebrate?

Broccoli, Cauliflower. What happened on Ralph’s farm with his six horses?

Bell Pepper, Pepper, Chili Pepper. Was everything normal after his harvests? What happened to Ralph one day?

Tomato. What happened in the hospital? What happened in the end?

Parsley, Dill. What do you think might happen in the future?
Legumes: Beans, Peas, Chickpeas, Lentils. Have you heard this story before? Can you think of examples of this in real life?

Cucumber. Do you believe in luck? What are some “lucky” and “unlucky” experiences that you have had?

Lettuce. Are some people (born) lucky? Do you know anyone who seem to be lucky? Who is the luckiest person that you know? Give examples.

Celery. Do you know any persons who are unlucky?

Eggplant. Give examples of folk celebrations or customs regarding luck.

Kale. What are some lucky charms or symbols? What are some bad luck charms or symbols? What can you say about the following: black cat, broken mirror, eclipse, four-leafed clover, full-moon, Friday the 13th, rabbit’s foot, the color red, the number three, seven, thirteen, opening an umbrella indoors, lion-dragon dance with fireworks.

Pumpkin, Gourd. Is it possible to “increase your luck”?

Melon, Watermelon, Cantaloupe. “I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances … Read more … Do more things … Go to more events … travel more … meet new people.” Brian Tracy, Author, Businessman, Speaker.







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