Forest Bathing, one




bathe science psychological
jog dweller workout
prove urban contemplation
effect escape blood pressure
emit insect protection
germs immune immune system
fresh reduce find/found/found
boost physical launch (2)
balm club (3) hormone
air improve well-being







Japanese “forest bathing” is scientifically proven to improve your health.

Japan launched a national health program of Shinrin-yoku in 1982.

Shinrin-yoku means spending more time around trees. No jogging, no workouts, just quiet contemplation near trees.

Japan has been studying the physical and psychological effects of forest bathing. It’s not just about fresh air: trees emit oils as protection from germs and insects.

These oils, called phytoncides, help our immune systems. Studies found that forests lower our heart and blood pressure and reduce stress hormones.

Forest baths reduce depression while boosting energy.

Some city-dwellers are even joining forest bathing clubs.

Forests are a balm for urban children and for those wanting to escape technology.

Regular contact with nature really does improve our well-being.


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Oak. “Forest bathing’s” therapeutic effects are based entirely on folklore. True or false?

Palm. What is shinrin-yoku? To properly do and experience it, do you have to hike up to the top of a forested mountain or run through obstacle courses in the forests?

Which is better or healthier, urban (city) air or forest air? Why is it better?

Pine. The arboreal oil is used for cooking. Is this right or wrong?

Baobab. What are the benefits of forest bathing for people?

Birch. Are there group outings in forests?

Cherry. Forest bathing is only for people who live in the country or villages. Is this correct or incorrect?
Redwood. There are many forests and parks in or near my city. Yes or no?

Elm. Describe the lifestyle in cities.

Cedar. Do people like to wander in forests, parks or nature?

Fir. What will happen in the future?

Cypress. People shouldn’t cut down and burn forests; they should plant more trees. What do you think?

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