first impressions four

First Impressions, four



You’ve heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

Your grooming, your hair style and the other ways you can determine your appearance from the neck up also exert an inordinate influence on the way that you are perceived, on your ethos with someone.

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What is your first impression of the following examples of dress or appearance? Why? Have you ever seen such people? Why are they the way they are?


32. An elderly lady with purple-dyed hair.

33. A man with a Mohawk (haircut). A man with spiked hair.

34. A man with a completely shaved head.

35. A woman wearing a big wig.

36. A man with several days worth of stubble (a man who had not shaved for several days).

37. A man with a white beard.

Jewellery and Accessories

38. A person wearing shades (sunglasses).

39. A man wearing an earring on his right ear.

40. A man wearing two earnings, one on each ear.

41. A person wearing rings in his or her nose, lips, eyebrows.

42. A person wearing lots of gold jewellery and a fur coat.

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