The Firewalking Academy




silly primeval metaphor
global in a way get your stuff together
coal place (2) do anything
mind modality transform
offer push (2) push people to the limits
least sort of expectation
thing probably take away (3)
limit instantly perspective
trivial spirit (2) skydiving
cage butterfly explode (2)
team relatable energy (2)
group facilitate breakthrough
bond setting phenomenal
course train (2) feel/felt/felt
stage stuff (2) motivator







Male Participant One: “The firewalk. It’s such a great metaphor. It’s got a primeval spirit and energy about it. You’ve got to get your stuff together to be able to walk over it.

Female Participant Two: “If can walk over coals and get you mind in a place where you are not hurt, I think you can do anything.”

Male Participant Three: “Firewalking is totally different to some of the modalities of the mind. It just offers something that pushes people to their limits.”

Female Participant Four: “My expectation from this course was to learn to teach people how to firewalk — that’s probably the least important thing that I’m going to take away from a personal perspective.”

Male Participant Five: “The transform. I’ve been skydiving, looking, this is trivial. This is silly. And I got out and instantly butterflies exploding out the cage.”

Female Participant Six: “Steve and the team are super professional. But so relatable in a way that he facilitates everybody in the group to have their personal breakthroughs cause it’s different for everybody.

It’s just phenomenal.”

Male Participant Seven: “With the group that I’m working with, I’m feeling really close; there’s such a bond. It’s something I don’t usually experience outside of this sort of setting.”

Join the top motivators on the global stage as they are trained to become firewalk instrcutors with


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Green. The video had a narrator or host. True or false?

Blue. Did the participants only do only activity?

Yellow. Because a man had skydived before, did he think the activities were only fun and games? What did he think afterwards? What was the reality?

Violet, Purple. Are the leaders of this course amateurs? Is there a group hierarchy? Are the leaders arrogant, bossy and aloof?

Brown. Everyone experiences the same personal revelation at the same time. Is this correct or incorrect?

Pink. Do the participants feel like individuals and strangers, or one big family?

Red. “The firewalk. It’s such a great metaphor.” What did the man mean? “To firewalk — that’s probably the least important thing that I’m going to take away from a personal perspective.”

Black. Is this just about fun activities, is it a commercial enterprise or both? What might be its purpose?
Grey. I have seen a firewalking ceremony. Yes or no? Are there firewalking ceremonies or rituals in your country?

Beige. How do the firewalkers perform their feats?

White. My friends and I would like to perform a firewalk. True or false?

Gold. Are self-help, motivational and success coaching programs, seminars, books and CDs popular?

Silver. What might happen in the future?

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