familiar middle ability

Middle, Pro, Valuable

Bossy, Traditional, Mild



familiar center middle
pro leather bossy
beginner expert traditional
clear unclear all the way
potential talented ability
natural mild super
panicked valuable present


Familiar, center, middle, leather, bossy, beginner

1. I like familiar foods, music, and people; I don’t like strange foods, music, and people. Is this true or false?

2. Most people want to live in the center of the city. However they must live in the suburbs, the outskirts.

3. The Middle Ages was a time of princes and princesses, adventure and romance. I want to live in the Middle Ages. Yes or no?

4. Are leather jackets and shoes very popular now?

5. I don’t like bossy people. Is this correct or wrong? Do you know any bossy individuals? Describe a bossy person.

6. The beginning is always the most difficult time. Beginners have a hard time in any subject. Do you agree?

Expert, pro/professional, traditional, clear, unclear

7. How many experts do you deal with (electrician, plumber, appliance repairman, mechanic)?

8. Who are some pros in your career or interests (hobbies)? ….is a pro in….

9. Do you prefer traditional culture and customs or modern ones?

10. Is the market very clear or unclear? Is the way to profits clear or unclear?

All the way, potential, talented, ability, natural

11. Do you plan to go all the way to the top of your company or career?

12. Everyone has the potential to be an artist, engineer, or small business owner. What do you think?

13. If I were very talented in…….., I would…..

14. Who among your classmates, friends, or colleagues has natural ability?

15. Processed foods taste better than Natural foods. Yes or no?

Mild, super, panicked, valuable, present

16. In my country we use mild (not hot) spices. I like mild, not spicy, dishes. True or false?

17. Do you prefer shopping at an open market (market place) or a supermarket?

18. I have seen people panic. Yes or no? If yes, why?

19. Which is more valuable money or love?

20. At school or work, usually not everyone is present; sometimes someone is absent. If yes, why? Why wouldn’t someone be present?

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