english language two

The English Language, 3

Through the centuries, as the result of various historical events, English spread throughout the world. Today, over 400 million people speak English as their native language. Most of them live in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Another hundreds of millions people, chiefly living in south Asia, and in many African countries, speak English in addition to their own language. Million more probably know at least some English.

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Politics, History, Economics

21. Why is English so widespread in the world?

22. Is the dominance of English good or bad? Should there be multilingualism?

23. Everyone should just learn English and forget their native, mother tongues. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Linguistics: Phonology, Lexicology, Phonetics

24. English is the nicest, most pleasant, or “sexiest” sounding language. Yes or no? If not, which is?

25. Which English accent sounds nice to you, American (Californian, Midwestern, New York, Southern, Ebonics), Australian, Canadian, British (Bristol, Newcastle, Cockney, Midlands, Queen’s English (BBC, Oxford, Received Pronunciation) Manchester, Liverpool, Scottish); Irish; South African?

26. About 30% of “English” words come from Latin, and 20% from Greek, plus many other foreign words. Why? What kinds of things or ideas are they?

27. The English writing system should switch to something more phonetic. What do you think?

28. What are the best ways of mastering English?

29. Have English and other foreign words entered your language? What are they?

30. Many words in English come from other languages. Can you identify which language each set of the words below originated?

a) alcohol , algebra , zero , assassin , coffee , mattress , azimuth
b) slogan , trousers , whiskey
c) boss, brandy, deck, cookie, cruise, easel, landscape, yacht
d) cosmonaut , czar , intelligentsia , parka , taiga , tundra
e) caravan , divan , peach , shawl , taffeta
f) eggplant, surfing, truck, bogus, yuppie
g albatross , dodo (bird) , marmalade , linguist , palaver
h) bungalow , orange , pajamas , pundit , shampoo
i ) caddy , gong , orangutan
j) barbecue , cannibal , canoe , maize , potato
k) car , crag , penguin
l ) angora , shish kebab , tulip , turban , yogurt
m) geyser, mumps, saga
n) bonanza , guerrilla , junta , lasso , mosquito , patio
o) au pair , boutique , cafe , castle , coup , cuisine , government , parliament , spy
p) balcony , cello , Parmesan , piano , soprano , umbrella , zucchini
q) hamburger , kindergarten , pretzel , rucksack , sauerkraut , wiener
r) analyst , hippopotamus , astronaut , psychology , synonym
s) kowtow, mandarin, tea, typhoon
t) anorak , igloo , kayak
u) beer , corn , flat , lorry , milk
v) bonsai, kamikaze, soy, tsunami, tycoon
w) boomerang , kangaroo , koala , wombat
x) chili, chocolate , cocoa , squash , tomato
y) coach , goulash , paprika
z) tobacco , moose, sequoia , skunk
aa) candle , century , exaggerate , magnify , exact , maternal
bb) robot
cc) (run) amok, boondocks

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