dual track system

The Dual-Track

Training System



drill tailor (2) theoretical
skill essential machinist
dual track (2) on-the-job
on site train (2) apprentice
trainee goal (2) curriculum
grind hands-on workplace
file (2) trade (2) participate
key (2) field (2) graduate (2)
career head (3) degree (2)
require vocation tailor made


Video: The Dual-Track System



Drilling, grinding and filing. They’re all essential skills for anyone who wants to become a machinist.

In Germany’s dual-track vocational training system, apprentices learn these skills on site, as part of their on-the-job training.

The goal is to get the young trainees working on real projects in the workplace, where they can gain hands-on skills.

The trainees spend three or four days a week in the participating companies. On other days, they head for the classroom.

At special vocational schools, they learn the theoretical side of their trade, the knowledge that is key to becoming an expert in their field.

There are some 350 careers in Germany that require a dual-track vocational degree, each with its own tailor-made curriculum.

Most vocational training programs take between two-and-a-half to three-and-a half-years.

Many of the young graduates are then offered a job at the company where they did their training.

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1. In company apprenticeship programs, trainees only learn to assemble machines and other products. True or false?

2. Do the trainees perform hands-on training, and learn on the job, in companies?

3. They only practice and train in companies. Is this right or wrong?

4. Do only some industrial jobs have this vocational, dual-track learning and training system?

5. Are they a general training and education program or are they bespoken?

6. It takes about two years to complete the program. Is this correct or incorrect?

7. Do companies take on (hire full time) all their apprentices? Do all apprentices continue working at their companies where they trained?


A. Is there a vocational training program in your city for young people? How does it work?

B. Do you think the technical training system could be improved? Should Germany’s be a model?

C. What do young people think about vocational-technical jobs and careers? Do they prefer going to university and getting a blue-collar, office job?

D. Is there a demand for skilled, technical and highly trained workers? Do industries complain about a lack of skilled, qualified workers?

E. What will happen in the future?

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