


Demography is the study of human populations. Demographers (population experts) study such characteristics as age, number, distribution, and sex of people in an area.

This information comes from a population census or national sample survey. Most nations conduct censuses, usually once every 10 years.

Demographers also study population change, which is the result of births, deaths, movement of people, and changes in population characteristics.

People in government, business, and other occupations use demographic methods to study aspects of a society or economy.

Business people for example want to know such demographics (demographic data) as the age, sex, income level, life style, location, and consumer habits of people that are likely to be in the market for their products.

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1. What is the population of your village, town or city? What is the population of your region, state, province? What is the total population of your country?

2. The population of my city (village or town) is increasing. True or false? Why is that?

3. Is the population of your country growing, shrinking or remaining the same? Why is that?

4. There are more females than males in my country. True or false? What is the explanation for this?

5. Does your country feel crowded? Give examples. Where are the most and least crowded parts of your country?

Rural and Urban Areas

6. More people live in urban areas than rural areas. Yes or no?

7. Approximately what percent of the population live in urban areas and what percent live in rural areas? Is it changing? Why?

8. There are more males in farms, villages and rural areas, and more females in cities. True or false? Why is that?

9. How would you characterize the village and countryside in terms of age structure?


10. People are migrating from rural to urban areas. True or false? If, true, why?

11. Do some city dwellers move to the countryside? Who are they? Why?

12. There is significant emigration from my country. Yes or no? Where do they go? Why?

13. Is there significant immigration to your country? Where do they come from? Why?

14. Is there a dynamic flux of residents in your city, i.e. people moving in and out all the time?


15. What is the average family size? How many children does the average couple or woman have? What was it like a generation or more ago?

16. Do most households consist of nuclear families or extended families? Is this changing?

17. Children live with their parents until they marry. Yes or no?

18. Children look after their parents when they get old. True or false?

19. Are birth rates shrinking and people living longer? Are there more senior citizens and fewer children?


20. What is the average age of marriage? Has it been changing over the years?

21. Has the divorce rate changed over the years?

22. There has been an increase in cohabitation. Yes or no? What percent of the population cohabits?

23. What percent of children are born out of wedlock? Is this good, bad, both, or neither?


24. Is there a large gap between the rich, poor and middle class?

25. What is the median household income in your country? Is there much skewing or variation?

26. What is the median personal income in your country? Is there much skewing or variation?

27. Is there strong class-consciousness? Are there distinct socio-economic classes?


28. Does everyone in your country belong to the same ethnic group? If not what are the ethnic or minority groups? What percentage of the population are they?

29. What’s the official or main language of your country?

30. Everyone in my country speaks the same language. True or false? Are there minority or ethnic languages?

31. Is there much patriotism or nationalism in your country? Is this good, bad, both, or neither?

32. What will the population and its structure be like in the future?


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