cute dizzy together mixed

Dizzy, Separate, Together

Greedy, Mixed, Pure, Ready



pretty cute dizzy
nice weather foul weather many
much separate together
generous greedy selfish
mixed pure ready
not ready upper lower
tight loose baggy


Pretty, cute, dizzy, muddy, nice weather

1. Are women prettier nowadays, or were women prettier 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100 years ago?

2. Do your or does your friend have a lot of cute decorations?

3. I have felt very dizzy after eating or drinking………..

4. I respect construction workers who have to work in foul weather. Yes or no?

5. My friend stays indoors and surfs the internet even with nice weather outside. True or false?

Many, much, separate, together, generous

6. There are many newcomers or migrants in my city. Most people in my city are newcomers or migrants. Is this correct or wrong?

7. Is there much love, caring, and compassion in your city? Or, nobody cares about anyone except themselves.

8. Are members of your family close or do they lead separate lives in different places?

9. The whole world is coming together as one. Do you agree or disagree? Is this good, bad, or both?

10. The rich should be (more) generous towards the poor. Rich countries need to be more generous to developing countries. What do you think?

Greedy, selfish, mixed, pure, upper, lower

11. Do you know any greedy persons? Describe greedy people. Is greed good, bad, both, or neither?

12. My mother, father, teacher read and told me stories about selfish individuals. True or false?

13. There are people of mixed races, nationalities, or ethnicities in my school, workplace, or city. Yes or no? If yes, who are they?

14. Is the the difference between mixed breed and pure breed dogs? What is the difference between pure breed and mixed breed dogs?

15. What are some upper-class or high-class restaurants in your city? Describe them.

16. What kind of work do “upper-class” people do? What kind of jobs do “lower-class” people perform? Do “upper-class”, “middle-class” and “lower-class” people live in the same neighborhood or district?

Tight, loose, baggy, ready, not ready

17. Describe the costumes of superheroes.

18. Is your town, community, or neighborhood tight-knit and close?

19. Does your friend prefer tight or loose clothes?

20. I am usually ready for exams. Yes or no?

21. I am not ready to live on my own. My friends are not ready to live by themselves. True or false?


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