Weather and Seasons





rain storm hailstorm
fog drought snowfall
hail rainfall lightening
snow windy thunderstorm
wind tornado thunder
heat sunny flash flood
frost freeze heatwave
gust humid scorching
flood cloudy sandstorm
ice drizzle cloudless
winter umbrella
autumn summer
spring (2)

Here are some pictures. Answer the following questions for each.

1. What is this? This is a . . . . .

2. Where is this place? This is a . . . . .

3. Describe the weather. What season is this? What month is it?

4. Who is this person? He is . . . . . She is a . . . . . They are . . . . .

5. What is she doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? He is . . . . . .

6. How does he feel? He is . . . . . . .

7. What will happen next? They will . . . . .

Clouds, Rainclouds(Thunder and) Lightening

Rain, Rainfall Flooding

Wind Turbine Windmill

Hailstorm Walking the Dog

Shoveling Snow Ice Skating

Cherry Blossom Alpine Wildflowers

Tornado Drought

Exercise in the Park Waterpark


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