check in drop off
4. Call off, Care for
Check in, Check out
draw up | check off | check out (of) |
drop in | chew out | check out (2) |
come to | catch on | come across |
chip in | come on | come down with |
do over | cross out | cut back (on) |
drag on | cheer up | check in (to) |
call on | drop off | calm down |
call off | catch up | chicken out |
care for |

Call Off
22. Call off (cancel or postpone an that was scheduled).
They called off the picnic this Saturday. Why did this happen? How did everyone feel? Why did the manager call off the meeting?
23. Call on (ask a student in class to answer a question).
Did your teacher call on you in class? Do you like it when the teacher calls on you? Some students like to be called on, others hate it. Why do students feel this way?
24. Calm down (to become calm)
“Calm down! Calm down now!” Who is speaking to whom? Why did he or she say this?
Care For
25a. Care for (take care of, look after, attend)
Who cares for very old people in your country? Who looks after children while mothers are working?
25b. Care for (like, want; used in negatives and questions).
Would you care for cola, tea, coffee? I’ll have coffee, please.
I like apples, pears, bananas. I don’t care for . . . . .
26. Catch on (begin to learn something)
Who catches on new technology faster, young or old people?
27. Catch up (come from behind to approach or overtake someone).
We dominated the market . . . and then our competitors caught up with us. Have you caught up with your rivals, or have your rivals caught up with you?

Check in, Check off, Check out
28. Check in (to)
The tourists checked into the hotel. They checked in at the reception (registration desk). People have to know English to check in a hotel. True or false? You shouldn’t check into a hotel after midnight. Do you agree?
29. Check off
Making a list of your most important tasks, and checking them off when you finish is the most effective way to organize your work. Is this correct or wrong?
30. Check out (of)
“When do we have to check out? You have to check out by . . . . . ” What are typical check out times? Why must visitors check out by ten or twelve o’clock?
31a. Check out: to borrow something officially.
Are fewer people checking out books from the library?
32b. Check out: to observe
“Let’s go to the mall and check out the chicks.” Who said this?