cancer mitosis angiogenesis

Cancer and Mitosis




blood anatomy suppressor
cell carry out division (3)
phase consume duplicate
exact gradually eliminate
ready attention get prepared
pre- area (3) membrane
DNA exposure separation
affect structure grow/grew/grown
effect shake (2) programmed
tumor cycle (2) brake pad
gene regulate commit suicide
pad fraction dysfunctional
alter mutation trigger (2)
spine take over accelerate
inhibit destroy environment
occur radiation beforehand
strand get ready shift gear (2)
gear mitosis blood vessel
shift vessel (2) supply (3)
avoid benign chemotherapy
cut off protein every other
toxic function couple (2)
anti- prepare by product
brain acquire line up (2)
risk sponsor in summary
focus term (2) derivation
starve starve off






Hi guys. In this video, we’re gonna talk about the anatomy of cancer. Okay?

Now let’s start at the beginning. We have the cell cycle. If you ever took biology in high school, you learned about mitosis. I’m just going to try to make it really, really simple.

Mitosis is kind of like the cell division phase where then it divides and it duplicates. Your cells have little copy machines in there that can actually make a new cell. It’s quite magical.

You have these different phases. The derivation of the word phase means “to carry out gradually”. So it’s this whole thing that’s carried out nice and gradually.

You have the prophase. In that phase of the cell cycle things are getting ready; it’s getting prepared. And the derivation of pro means “beforehand”; that’s like a pre-step right there.

And then you have the metaphase. This is where all the things get lined up; all the DNA little strands get lined up. And the derivation of medi means “after” or “beyond”. So it’s after this phase right here.

Then we get to the anaphase where the actual real separation starts beginning; we have a perfect duplicate of the DNA in this cell and this cell. And they’re starting to divide; the cell membrane is closing.

The derivation of ana means “again, anew”, so we have this the cell that’s becoming new again, okay.

Then we get to the telophase. This is where the division finishes completely. The derivation of tella means “to end”, so it’s a completed cycle, okay.

And lastly we have the interphase, and that’s basically where the cell is a finished product. Now all the inside of the cells is growing. It’s developing it’s doing its function. It’s making proteins and little structures in the side of the cell. And that’s going to go on for a while until the whole cycle starts again.

So we have this perfect machine going on, with a copy machine completely separate out and duplicating and growing cells.

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This entire cell cycle is tightly regulated by a couple things. One is called a tumor suppressor gene. It’s like the little brake pad inside the cell that stops the cell from or the stops the copy machine from producing too many cells.

And it does it by killing or causing the cells to commit suicide. That process is called apoptosis. It’s programmed cell death. It’s about sixty billion of these cells are doing that every single day.

Now don’t worry you have about a hundred trillion cells that make up your whole body, so it’s a very small fraction.

That’s all real nice everything works out good.

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The problem is when the tumor suppressor gene becomes dysfunctional through what’s called a mutation. Now a mutation is a sudden change in the cell that occurs that alters a function.

It could be this life; a sudden alteration. Or it could be passed on genetically from your parents, which is not as common.

The most common thing is a mutation it’s called an acquired mutation which is this life.

What can cause a mutation, can cause the cells to get out of control. And you start developing these huge tumors in your body that can take over.

Sometimes they’re benign and they don’t grow. But sometimes they’ll start accelerating more and more, more. And they develop into it’s called a malignancy, which they’re spreading throughout the body and start to destroying the entire body.

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So the question is what caused the mutations?

Well you’ve got all the different chemicals in food and your environment. And you also have radiation which can do it as well. That’s what causes mutations.

So really there’s just not enough attention put on what triggers these mutations, like eliminating exposure to the chemicals, cleaning up the environment.

But let’s just shift gears over here there’s another term I want to introduce you to; it is called angiogenesis. Angio meaning “blood vessels”. Genesis meaning “new”, so the new creation of new blood vessels that actually feed these tumors.

What happens you get the blood supply. And it starts feeding it, getting bigger and bigger.

Well chemotherapy works by inhibiting angiogenesis. It kind of cuts off the blood supply right?

Sounds pretty cool – but it also cuts off the blood supply to other things and creates a lot of toxic effects.

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And if you ever want to look at some interesting information, look at natural anti-angiogenesis-type things.

And that would be arugula, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, horseradish, kale (I do a kale shake probably every other morning). Aloe, curcumin, resveratrol, milk thistle, ginger, garlic, fish oil, all the carotenoids and all the different vegetables like kale, of course, green tea.

And then minerals like selenium. Vitamin D will do it. Lemon, berries even the byproducts the friendly byproducts of friendly bacteria. I found that interesting.

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Now, the next thing I wanted to do is I wanted to type-in the American Cancer Society website and just see what they say that we should do for cancer and what causes cancer.

Okay, what causes brain tumors? Here’s what they said: “We don’t know the exact cause of most brain and spinal cord tumors. But a great deal of research is being done in this area.” Well that’s good.

What causes kidney cancer? “We don’t know the exact cause of most kidney cancer, but a great deal of research is being done in this area.

What causes prostate cancer? “Although research has found some things linked to man’s risk levels of prostate cancer, it is not clear exactly how these factors might cause prostate cancer.”

Thyroid cancer. What causes our cancer? Well, “We don’t know the exact cause of thyroid cancer more research is being done.”

So if you scroll a little further you’ll see the sponsors which are Pfizer, Merck AstraZeneca – you know companies that make chemotherapy. And then we have Tyson’s, Campbell’s, Krogers.

So in summary, there’s really only two things you need to focus on. Number one, avoiding the chemical triggers. And consuming foods that actually starve off the cancer. So let’s keep it simple.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


Brain. In the video, what analogy did the speaker use for mitosis?

Skin. There are several different phases of cell division. True or false?

Tonsils. Are the terms of the different phases of Anglo-Saxon origin?

Sinus. Normally, in a healthy body, is cell division random or exactly controlled and regulated?

Larynx. The tumor suppressor gene acts like a cell contraception. Is this right or wrong? Does this ordinarily cause a person to become thin and shrink?

Ear Drum. Can the tumor suppressor gene malfunction? What can cause it to malfunction? What are the possible consequences?

Esophagus. What cause mutations of the tumor suppressor gene?

Bronchial Tube. What supplies tumor cells?

Lungs. How does chemotherapy work? Is it perfect and completely safe?

Heart. Does the speaker recommend chemotherapy treatments?

Artery. The American Cancer Society knows exactly what causes cancer. Yes, no, perhaps, maybe.

Vein. Does the speaker question the veracity of the ACS website?

Blood. What does he recommend?
Kidney. How common is cancer in your country? Is it a leading cause of death?

Gall Bladder. Is the public very concerned (and scared) of cancer?

Liver. What are the anecdotal evidence as to the causes of cancer?

Stomach. Has there been a lot of research on cancer?

Small Intestine. Are certain groups more vulnerable to cancer; and others less like to have cancer?

Large Intestine. Are the folk remedies and treatments for cancer?

Pancreas. What might happen in the future?

Gall Bladder. What should people do?

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