cancer and angiogenesis

Cancer and Angiogenisis




guy reverse formation
life off concept supply (2)
create vessel (3) angiogenesis
unique require mechanism
blood based on genesis (2)
attack right now chemotherapy
anti- formation property (2)
factor trigger (2) cruciferous
avoid structure insecticide
potent angle (2) feed/fed/fed
guess pesticide phytonutrient
ability find out progression
tumor malignant incredible
benign prevent grow/grew/grown
kill off backtrack say/said/said






Hey guys. Dr. Berg here.

In this short video we’re going to talk about how to kill off the blood supply to cancer.

Now there’s a new concept I’m going to talk about based on this word called angiogenesis: angio means “blood vessel”; genesis means “the formation of something new, the creation of something new.” So it’s the formation of new blood vessels.

Our body uses that mechanism, but the thing that’s very unique with cancer is that cancer requires its own blood supply; it cannot live off our own our blood supply. It needs to create its own.

There are certain chemotherapies right now that work by attacking this formation of new blood vessels or anti-angiogenic.

They have different properties to just stop the blood supply, so this is a different angle from the triggering of cancer with pesticides and insecticides, and avoiding those chemicals. This attacks the very structure of feeding the cancer.

Well it just so happens that there are things in nature that are very potent anti-angiogenic factors. And I think you can guess what those are. Those are all the phytonutrients: basically, phytonutrients in cruciferous and other vegetables have the ability to stop the progression from a benign tumor to a malignant cancer.

I mean that’s incredible. In fact, the cancer cell can’t really grow that well unless it has food and blood. So if you’re not eating sugar, which that’s what they live on, and you actually can start eating more of these vegetables, you can actually really prevent and avoid a lot of problems.

Because the worst thing you want to do is find out you have cancer, and then you’re trying to backtrack and trying to research and find out what you’re going to do to reverse it

It’s much easier to prevent it.

Okay, so what am I trying to say?

I’m trying to say you need to eat more vegetables

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


Beans. This was a long, detailed, scientific analysis of angiogenesis. True or false?

Beets. Is the term angiogenesis derived from Old English or Anglo-Saxon? What does angiogenesis mean?

Broccoli. Normal cells and cancer cells utilize the same nutrient channel. Is this right or wrong?

Brussels Sprouts. Does chemotherapy operate by breaking the membrane of tumor cells?

Cabbage. Which is better, organic or non-organic (chemically applied) fruits and vegetables?

Carrot. Can (cruciferous) vegetables prevent the formation of malignant tumors? How do they do that?

Cauliflower. People should stop eating sugars and start eating lots of vegetables only after they have been diagnosed with cancer. Is this correct or incorrect?
Garlic. How common is cancer in your country? Is it a leading cause of death?

Kale. Is the public very concerned (and scared) of cancer?

Leeks. What is the anecdotal evidence as to the causes of cancer?

Mushrooms. Has there been a lot of research on cancer?

Onions. Are certain groups more vulnerable to cancer; and others less like to have cancer?

Spinach. Are the folk remedies and treatments for cancer?

Sprouts. What might happen in the future?

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