A Landscape Gardener

in Niagara Falls

Daryll talks about his work and experiences.



laborer landscape commission
jet ski put away unnecessary
kayak of my own needless to say
rough for a while hope/hopefully
going on parachute turn things around
take out around (2) hanging around
outback any more globalization
curious for a change







Hi. My name is Daryll Schmitt. I’m 46 years old, and I live in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

What do you do for a living?

I work for the Niagara Parks Commission as a landscape laborer. And right now, I’m putting away the benches so the snow and ice don’t ruin them for the winter.

We had a gentleman go over in a jet ski. We’ve had a man try parachuting over the falls. We’ve had a guy go over in a kayak — he made dinner reservations at one of the restaurants that evening. Needless to say he didn’t make his dinner reservations.

What does globalization mean to you?

Globalization just means things are going to get rough for a while and hopefully we can turn things around.

What worries you?

Unnecessary death. I just think, I don’t know: too much killing going around in this world.

How do you spend your leisure time?

I like model building, just working in my yard, taking my dogs out for a walk, just hanging around the house.

What do you expect for your future?

I’m just hoping for good health and long life. Any more than that, you really can’t ask for these days.

Which country would you like to visit?

I’d love to visit Australia. I’ve just heard so much about the outback, I’ve just curious to see what it’s all about, watch the little kangaroos, just see a different country for a change — I’ve never been outside Canada.

What makes you happy?

Just watching kids have fun. I haven’t got kids of my own, but I just love watching kids play and just enjoy themselves.



Ontario. Daryll is a fifty-five year old American. True of false?

Quebec. What is his job? What does he do? Is he a freelance landscaper?

Alberta. Is his workplace interesting or dull (boring)? What happened one day?

British Columbia. Daryll views globalization positively. What do yo think?

Saskatchewan. Is he a jingoist (warmonger) or pacifist? Does he want war or peace?

Manitoba. In his free time, Daryll likes to surf the internet and play computer games. Is this right or wrong? What are his hobbies?

Nova Scotia. Does Daryll want a big new house and luxury cars?

Newfoundland and Labrador. Has he ever traveled to New York City or Detroit, Michigan? He would like to visit . . . . . because . . . . .

New Brunswick. Daryll is a father with a son and a daughter. Is this correct or incorrect?
Toronto. I live near a stream, river, lake, sea or ocean. Yes or no?

Vancouver. Do you or your friends have a garden?

Montreal. Do you live in Canada? Are you from Canada? Have you ever been to Canada?

Ottawa. Have you met people from Canada? Who were they? What were they doing?

Calgary. Describe the climate and geography of Canada.

Describe Canada’s economy. What does it import and export?

Winnipeg. Does Canada have any problems or challenges?

Mississauga. What’s Canadian food like? Describe Canadian food.

Halifax. What are some tourist attractions (cultural, historical, natural)?

Saskatoon. What comes to mind when you think of Canada? What do you associate with Canada?

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