can business

Can: Business Related, 1

Business includes the activities of all commercial producers of goods and services. These producers range from small shops owned by one person to huge organizations owned by thousands of shareholders.

The word business may refer to producers of the same product or service, such as the clothing business, the entertainment business, or the insurance business. An individual enterprise may also be called a business.

Technical Aspects

1. I can do cashiering. Yes or no?

2. Can you do spread sheeting, word processing and operate power point?

3. My friend can do accounting and bookkeeping. True or false? Can you do payroll?

4. Can you do inventorying, organize, and manage store items, office supplies, equipment and other company property?

5. Do you know how to administer employee benefits and other human resources tasks?

6. Can you or your friend troubleshoot and fix computers, fax machines, photocopiers, telephones and other office equipment?

People Skills

7. I can you give presentations or speeches. Yes or no?

8. Do you or your friend know how to sell and close deals with prospects? Can you negotiate and sign contracts with clients and suppliers?

9. Can you handle and deal with customer complaints?

10. I can negotiate with employees and unions; or with management. True or false?

11. Do you know how to have good public relations? Can you present a good company image?


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