To Be as a Linking Verb


Parts of Speech

Words are categorized into the different parts of speech based on their grammatical features, function and position a sentence.

The traditional parts of speech are the noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

Nouns Pro-
Verbs Adj. Adverbs Prep.
cat I be big quickly in
apple you eat good suddenly at
house we talk hot well to
computer they sleep new too by
student he live cheap slowly on
Maria she like easy carefully for
friend it have beautiful never with
New York me laugh fast quietly from
politics us think green also under
freedom them feel smart always behind

Linking (or copulative) Verbs

Linking verbs (or copulative verbs), connect a subject with a predicate noun or adjective. The noun or adjective help define or describe the subject. Linking verbs have little meaning of their own.

Be is the most common linking verb (other linking verbs include seem, become, feel, taste, look, smell, sound, and turn).

Sentence Structure with Be as a Linking Verb

(+) Subject + be + predicate noun; adjective.
(-) Subject + be not + predicate noun; adjective.

Forms of be: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being

Be takes on different forms depending its subject and tense.

Examples of Be with am, is, are

• I am a drummer.
• You are very funny.
• He is the captain of the ship.

• I am not tired.
• They’re not from Manchester. They’re from Liverpool.
• She isn’t my relative; she’s a neighbor.


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