bald eagle fishing commercial

Bald Eagle Commercial



afford produce lose/lost/lost
pride continue country (2)
agency way (2) stand behind it
threat slipshod standard of living
aim (2) rate (3) second rate
species corporation quick riches
design service (2) endangered
dictate appliance home appliance
indeed product standard (2)






This country may be in danger: It could be losing something we can’t afford to lose.

Once in this country, when a man produced a product, it was the best he could possibly make. He stood behind it — with pride.

He lived a simple idea: do it right, or don’t do it at all.

Nobody told him that; no government agency dictated it.

And it built a standard of living for the world to aim at.

Now that idea is threatened by the slipshod, the second rate. To some it means quick riches; to some, it means quick death of the standards we have built.

Some are fighting this threat. Whirlpool Corporation believes in one simple idea: to continue to design, build and service home appliances the RIGHT way, with pride, so you can live with them comfortably, for years. Or they will not build them at all.

If we can’t keep this simple idea alive, then indeed we are the endangered species.

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1. According to the speaker, the US may be in serious trouble. Is this true or false?

2. Were things different in the past? If yes, how were things different?

3. Do you think the narrator is politically left or right? Liberal or conservative? Pro-business or pro-labor?

4. Are things different now? Has the situation changed? Has it changed for better or worse? Why have things changed for the worse?

5. Whirlpool Corporation is bucking the trend. Is this right or wrong? If yes, how it is resisting?

6. What may be the theme or moral of this video? Is it the same as its purpose?

7. The images and footage of the commercial featured satisfied customers using Whirlpool home appliances. Is this correct or incorrect? Why did they feature a bald eagle fishing instead of home appliances? Was there a metaphorical or symbolic meaning?


A. Does your nation have a national bird and animal? What are the national symbols of your country?

B. Have you seen ads that incorporate or feature national symbols or patriotism?

C. Commercials were better in the past than they are nowadays?

D. What are some of your most memorable or profound ads?

E. What will happen in the future?

F. Are workers sloppy and slipshod, are they quality conscious and take pride in their work, in between or does it depend? Do people complain about poor service or quality?


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