average similar opposite

Medium, On Time, Warm

Similar, Opposite, Average



large huge little
tiny great warm
cool easy difficult
on time similar opposite
fat obese overweight
slim skinny tall
average medium-height short


Large, huge, little, tiny, great

1. There are many large cars in my city. Yes or no? Who drives them?

2. Describe online databanks and servers. What do they contain?

3. Do you prefer living in large city or a little town or village? Which do young and old people prefer?

4. What will computer memories and processors be like in the future?

5. Who were some great people in your nation’s history? The greatest person in our country is/was ………..

Warm, cool, easy, difficult, on time

6. My friends prefer cool weather. True or false?

7. Are people in your town or city warm or cold to outsiders (strangers)? Give examples.

8. Teenage and young men always try to act cool. Do you agree?

9. Which jobs are easy? What are some difficult jobs? Difficult jobs pay more than easy jobs. Yes or no?

10. Do buses, airplanes, and trains always run on time?

Similar, opposite, nearby, medium-length, colorful

11. Are you similar to your brother or sister or are you different?

12. “Opposites attract.” Do you agree or disagree? Give examples.

13. Is there a British Council, Alliance Française, Goethe Institute, or other language and cultural center near your home? Is there a BC nearby?

14. We have a colorful festival, celebration, or event in our city once a year. Yes or no?

15. Do you prefer long, medium-length, or short movies (videos, news stories, articles)?

Fat, obese, overweight, slim, skinny

16. Is animal fat good, bad, or neutral for people?

17. What percent of the population is obese? Is obesity increasing, decreasing, or remaining the same?

18. Bob is overweight. Why is he overweight? How can overweight people become slim?

19. The most handsome men are skinny men. What do you think?

Tall, average height, medium-height, short

20. Jim and Ann are short. They want to become tall. How can they become tall?

21. What is the average of men? What is the average height of women? Has the average height been increasing? Are people getting taller?

22. Are prime ministers or presidents tall, medium-height, or short? Are professional athletes all tall?


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