A Street Market in Paris




used to close up take/took/taken (2)
import amazing see/saw/seen
fresh example how are you doing
festival storefront know/knew/known
tiny vibrancy freeze/froze/frozen
bistro spill out give/gave/given (2)
spill floor (2) fromagerie
across pretty (2) produce (2)
grab mold (2) look at this
meat favorite sell/sold/sold
retire quarter pedestrian
sure venerable bring/brought/brought
enjoy of course bring/brought/brought
bun tight (2) one at a time
forget corner (2) course (2)
main rotisserie main course
quality ambiance remember
action glass (2) get/got/got
oyster push (2) go/went/gone
go by quantity alternative
gelato scooter fromagerie
rent dish (2) boulangerie
combo kind of plot du jour
pastry laundry patisserie
crepe pull (2) macaroon
care efficiency refrigerator
fancy butcher neighborhood
charm check in addition (2)
transit real world season (2)
metro public (3) public transit
tired fall in love






Hey I’m Rick Steves. I want to take you on a little walk through my favorite neighborhood in Paris. It’s Rue Cler.

And you can see just the great city of Paris, and Paris is a city of neighborhoods.

Each neighborhood has its own market street and this is one we use as a that’s a good example, and if you just . . .

Pedestrian: “Hey Rick!
Rick Steves, Travel Presenter: “How you doing? I’m just doing a video. I’ll talk to you later.”

This is where the people come to shop. And they know their fresh produce, and they know if it’s frozen and imported.

But when you think of a pedestrian street like this, remember Paris is a city with the stores on the bottom floor, and the people living up above; that gives it much more vibrancy.

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So the cafes, little tiny bistros, people spilling out onto the street.

And you got the fromagerie . . . and the fromagerie is just a festival of mold . . . and we look in there, and what do we have?

Oh look at that! It’s pretty amazing! So you come here for your cheese, grab some chicken.

Across the street would be the Hosannarie; and that’s the place . . .

Look at this here; you got history. This used to sell horse meat. Of course it doesn’t anymore, but they keep the historic storefronts.

Now if you live in Paris you have tight quarters — people live in small apartments. They don’t have gardens but they sure enjoy their flowers. And if you go to visit somebody, you’re going to want to buy and bring some flowers.

This A La Mere de Famille is a venerable coffee shop where the old retired people remember buying a little special hot buns, one at a time.

Beautiful, beautiful chocolates and uh the french people again they they live in small corners so they have a lot of their food in rotisserie, so they’ll come to the rotisserie and get something to go and they’ll cook the main course.

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So we keep walking along here. You’ve got your wine shop, of course. And I really like this corner; this is kind of the middle of Rue Cler.

And you have the Cafe du Narche this is where people enjoy this wonderful ambiance of just getting a plot du jour (special dish of the day) and enjoying it with a glass of wine. And you watch the action as everybody goes by.

It’s oyster season so the oysters are out.

And of course they’re pushing for alternatives to cars so you got your scooters and you got your easy rent, quick rent, motor scooters.

The boulangerie. This is a combo boulangerie patisserie; fresh beautiful bread and beautiful pastries, and you got a crepe — well that’s a nice little addition.

And we keep on walking . . . every time I come there’s new shops: you got your laundry, for your macaroons and you got your French singers of American folk tunes, and you got your fancy gelato shop.

And got your . . . the French really care about their shoes; they do a lot of walking.

Another flower shop.

People don’t go to the uh big box store to buy a lot of economic food; they they have a small refrigerators, and every day they go shopping to get something fresh and check in with the neighborhood.

You got your butchers. It’s Sunday afternoon and people are closing up now so you’re not going to see all the fancy food there. More oysters, a little cafe.

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And I’ll tell you this is kind of quality sort of neighborhood living in Paris and this is one of the charms of this city, and I just don’t get tired of it.

And that’s just one little market street. Again it’s Rue Cler and from Rue Cler, you pop back into the real world with all the public transit and the metro and the taxis and of course you have the efficiency of a big city, and the charm of your market street.

Again that is Rue Cler and that’s one of the places where I fell in love with the city of light happy travels from Paris.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *



Boulevard, Avenue. The presenter gave a tour of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées (the main avenue) in central Paris. True or false?

Bazaar, Marketplace. Is the Rue Cler very big and long, with lots of cars and traffic? Is the street paved with asphalt or cobblestones?

Market Street, Pedestrian Mall. Is the presenter very famous? What happened in the video?

Grocery Store. People buy all their fruit and vegetables inside supermarkets. Is this right or wrong?

Bistro, Restaurant. Do the store owners live in the suburbs of Paris and drive to work every day?

Cafe. Because the weather was cold, everyone ate and drank inside of cafes and bistros. Is this right or wrong? Do the French love hamburgers, hotdogs and cola?

Bar, Club, Discoteque. Are cheese, meat, fish and bread all sold in one store?

Bakery, Pastry Stop. In the video, could you hear people playing accordions and violins?

Wine Shop. In the pedestrian mall or market street, people drive cars. Is this correct or incorrect? Was this on a Wednesday?
Fishmonger, Butchers. My town or city has a street mall, market street or pedestrian mall. Yes or no?

Cheese Store. Which is more popular, street malls, shopping malls, department stores?

Shoe Shop. Do people prefer walking and shopping, or going to stores in a car?

Boutique. What might happen in the future?

Photography Store. What could or should people do?

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